
What is Somatic Sex Education?

Teaching thru the body experiences designed to nurture, deepen, or awaken the sensual self. It can include breath coaching, movement, body awareness, boundary-setting, communication, anatomy, sensate focus, massage, erotic trance, and other body-based teachings about sex.

The Institute for the Study of Somatic Sexology is in the lineage of Joseph Kramer and the Body Electric in San Francisco, which was founded in response to the AIDS crisis in the 80s when people were looking for safer ways to experience eroticism. My teachers have evolved the work to include in-depth teachings of the nervous system, somatic awareness, empowered voice and choice, consent, sexual rights and freedom, analysis of power and oppression, conscious communication, and ecstatic embodiment - to name the big ones.

One on one sessions are completely client-directed and client-specific. These sessions can provide tools and resources to heal our bodies, minds, and spirits in a variety of ways, including the ability to access and identify more pleasure and feel empowered to enact our desires. 

Who is Lauren?

Lauren Hind is a Queer Jewish Priestess, certified Somatic Sex Educator, Sex Worker, Therapeutic Yoga Instructor, and Re-Evaluation Counselor. Lauren offers trauma-informed, pleasure-centered one on one coaching and group workshops to nurture, deepen and awaken the sensual self. Her life’s work is centered on healing sexual trauma and empowering other survivors through embodiment and choice.  

As an artist and cultural worker, she produces events and artwork that cultivate communities of care and compassion, and fosters connection to our erotic selves. She has led workshops for sex workers, healthcare providers, and sex industry professionals across the South. Her one woman show about healing from her abuse: “Sexual Healing: A Work in Process”, inspired a series of other performances by survivors in New Orleans. 

She believes whole-heartedly that our erotic liberation is the antitode to a capitalist, racist, patriarchal, heterosexist state. She is regularly found rolling around the floor, intentionally shaking, and smelling roses. 



What will happen in a Somatic Sex Education session? 

Each session is unique to you. Before we meet, I will provide you with an intake form to assess your needs and goals, which will help me tailor a session to you. We will “move at the speed of trust”, as Adrienne Maree Brown advises. Many sessions do not include touch at all, but the mere possibility of it can unblock the barriers to giving and receiving touch freely. For sessions where touch is explored, you will be in charge every step of the way. This can be a profoundly healing process and become a pathway to becoming empowered in your own erotic life.

Who do you work with? 

I work with all bodies. Individuals, couples, anyone over the age of 18. 

I work with straight and queer women and men; and anyone on the trans spectrum (trans men, trans women, folks, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and more!)

How do I know if I am ready for a session? 

Notice how your body feels while reading this website. Connect to your breath. You may notice a spectrum of feelings, one strong feeling or no feeling at all. Start here and then check in with the question Am I ready for a session? Being unsure is a totally fine response. You are welcome to schedule a complimentary 20 minute informational call and see how that feels. Schedule Your Free Consultation

Do I have to be naked in my session? 

Nope! You decide the level of undressed or dressed at any given time during your session. I will always be fully clothed.

Do you do video sessions (long distance)? 

Yes, tho I prefer in-person sessions. I use Zoom (a free online video conferencing tool) for video sessions.