Frequently Asked Questions
What will happen in a Somatic Sex Education session?
Each session is unique to you. Before we meet, I will provide you with an intake form to assess your needs and goals, which will help me tailor sessions to you. It will also help us decide if we are a good fit for each other. We will “move at the speed of trust”, as adrienne maree brown advises.
Often the first session is just about getting a sense of your own relationship to your body, emotions, and how much access to voicing your needs and desires you have. We will continue to build somatic attunement, allying our nervous systems with each other and building trust on a felt level.
After our first session I will design a specific-to-you session arc: a series that will help you meet your goals and intentions. From there, you can decide at what speed we move and when.
Many sessions do not include touch at all, but the mere possibility of it can unblock the barriers to giving and receiving touch freely. For sessions where touch is explored, you will be in charge every step of the way.
This can be a profoundly healing process and become a pathway to becoming empowered in your own erotic life. You can learn more about Somatic Sex Education here.
Do I have to be naked in my session?
Nope! You decide the level of undressed or dressed at any point in your session. I will always be fully clothed.
Who do you work with?
I work with all individuals and couples over the age of 18.
I work with straight people, queer people, trans and nonbinary people. I also work with couples & I love working in groups.
Do you do video sessions (long distance)?
Yes, though I prefer in-person sessions. I use Zoom for video sessions.
How do I know if I am ready for a session?
Notice how your body feels while reading this website. Connect to your breath. You may notice a spectrum of feelings, one strong feeling or no feelings at all. Start here and then check in with the question Am I ready for a session? Being unsure is a totally fine response. You are welcome to schedule a complimentary 45 minute informational call and see how that feels. Schedule Your Free Consultation.