People Pleasing, Pleasure & Power

People Pleasing, Pleasure & Power


In this workshop you’ll explore your people pleasing tendencies and your ability to access your own pleasure, preferences, likes and dislikes and voice them powerfully.


  • How pleasure is the antidote to people-pleasing

  • How you give up or take power

  • Tools to find inner clarity in making decisions

  • Techniques to show up more assertive in your relationships, erotic-life, and work life.

Lauren and Aaron will skillfully guide you in this experiential, hands-on workshop. Your vulnerability will be asked, but your “no” and your “maybe” along with your “yes” will be celebrated and encouraged every step of the way.

This is space to gain embodied awareness of your patterns and tools to begin to transform them.

Space is is limited to 12 participants.

About your facilitators and our intention for this workshop:

On People-Pleasing: We believe people-pleasing is an adaptive pattern that stems from the need to survive, especially in situations that weren't safe, or where your own needs weren't met. Many of us learned if we took care of the emotional and sometimes physical needs of others (especially our caregivers/parents), we could prevent big upsets, and theoretically get our own needs met. We often learn these patterns from our families of origin but also through the dominant hetero, patriarchal, sexist, capitalist, and ableist society that demands we put our own needs last, or not have needs at all.

On Power: We believe power is inherent in the people-pleaser/pleasee relationship. In fact, we believe power is part of all relationships and is especially important to name and understand in our most intimate relationships. As your facilitators, we acknowledge our own power as white, cis, Jewish, and middle-class. We strive to make the a learning space, one that is safe enough an accessible for everyone but also acknowledges how our identities will shape the space. Our hope is to actively work with this tension/dynamic and invite in the ways power plays a role in all of our people-pleasing patterns. 

On Pleasure:We both have first-hand experience noticing and appreciating the way being in choice about our pleasure: that is, our likes, desires, and preferences, guides us to have active agency. This is critical for the people-pleaser. Many of us haven't even considered what we want, let alone ask for and receive it in an erotic or body-based context. This intimate and deeply personal space is precisely where huge shifts can happen and have rippling effects in the rest of our lives. We are excited to be weaving in elements of touch and pleasure in a consensual container. And as always, your "no" will be celebrated just as much (if not more) than your "yes".

About Lauren & Aaron

Aaron and Lauren are white, cis, Jewish, queer, sexual healing professionals. After connecting both professionally and socially, they discovered their shared passion for working with their clients’ propensity towards people-pleasing. As recovering people-pleasers themselves, they found a lot of shared excitement in the ways going towards and accessing more pleasure has supported them. They are thrilled to share some of the tools that have been the most helpful with you!

Accessibility Note

The space is in a temperature-controlled room up a flight of stairs on the second floor. Participants are welcome to sit on the floor with blankets and cushions or in chairs. There will be an invitation for some gentle movement, though all practices are optional.

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